A Note On David Bowie

David Bowie is the optimiy of what an artist should be.  He taught us all to throw away the rule books and do whatever we wanted in the name of art.  To name all the the artists he influenced is nearly impossible. He always had glamour and a unique style that can never be duplicated.

I think his album Low is indeed one of the most truly admired albums by my circle of friends. Nonetheless, for me, it is virtually impossible to find fault with much of his work.

His collaborators were vast and the output always noteworthy.

David Bowie with ARP String Synthesizer on Iggy Pop Tour

I think the words said about him today and always will resonate with us forever.

Until the last moment of his life he was still giving us art.  This video for Lazarus was his parting gift.

David Bowie, thank you for influencing me so very much. And thank you for influencing all the artists I so greatly admire.

the synthesizer book